Station House Nursery

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    3. Winter is on it's way!

    Winter is on it's way!

    12 November 2014 (by stationhouse05)

    Come and see our igloo in the Baby Garden!

    The babies are very excited to explore their very own igloo in the Baby Garden! Mel, Lisa and her family all had great fun building the igloo for the babies to play and shelter in during their outdoor play in the winter months! In total it took: 320(ish!) 4-pint milk bottles, 100 glue-gun glue sticks, 10m of double sided sticky pad tape, 7 hours of hard work and lots of tea, coffee and cake! The babies are all having a great time hiding inside, peaking out at their friends, enjoying songs and stories and looking at all the different coloured milk bottle lids! Please visit our "Nursery Gardens" page to see a slideshow of our Igloo Construction!